Showcase your expertise

When publishing an activity or event, aim to convey a positive vibe and make the activity feel approachable. Spark interest with engaging images and attract new participants with eye-catching posts.

You can showcase your expertise in three different ways In your publication: description, images, and video. For the best results, utilize all three methods.


Create an engaging description of the activity by writing a concise and descriptive text.


Take an authentic photo of the activity and immediately convey a positive impression to potential participants.


Spark interest and a can-do attitude in the participant with a short video.

Writing the description

The biggest challenge in creating a description is standing out from competitors and getting potential participants to respond in the desired way. The best approach is to focus on what the customer gains by choosing your service. This guide provides practical tips for writing when you're creating a post about an activity or event.

Focus on value for the customer

It’s tempting to talk in detail about your own company, but focus on how the customer benefits from the service. For instance, does the hobby teach valuable skills? Does it offer a great opportunity to meet other likeminded people?

Make the most important point first

Make sure the most important aspect is immediately clear early in the description. For example, start the description with a headline style sentence that highlights what will attract potential participants to the activity, such as:

"Bring your child ice skating and follow their progress."

Sales-oriented and informative text

Sales-oriented text aims to persuade the customer to purchase the service and start the activity. Informative text seeks to add value to the service and spark interest. Strive to provide a good balance of both in your description.


"Sign up your children to learn ice skating. It gives them a great hobby and a valuable skill for a lifetime.

Bring them to the lessons and watch them progress.

The children learn ice skating through fun and engaging games. By the end of the season, each participant will have learned the basics of skating."

Taking photos

The phone camera is an excellent choice for capturing images for hobby and event posts. Consider these tips to get a good photo.


Pay attention to lighting. The lighting should not be too dim, and try to avoid having light sources directly facing the camera. When taking photos on a sunny day, choose an angle where the sun is not directly facing the camera.

Another consideration is the subject’s face—sunlight or a flash can quickly make the person look pale. Use the flash sparingly, and on sunny days, carefully consider the angle of the shot.

What's being photographed?

When taking photos, capture the activity or event itself. Choose individuals who belong to the target audience as subjects. The activity and expressions will convey a sense of approachability and a desire to learn new things to those seeking a hobby.


Consider the distance from the subject and experiment with it during the shooting. Ideally, the subject should be close to capture the best sense and feeling. The easiest way to zoom for a photo is to move closer to the subject. Once you think you are at the right distance, get a little closer. Keep in mind that using the camera zoom can degrade the image quality.


The phone camera offers a great opportunity to experiment with different angles. Try out various perspectives to discover interesting shots. While the traditional angle from standing and at face level works well, you can capture more attention by experimenting with unique angles. Also, consider rotating the camera to landscape mode instead of portrait mode to include more in the frame horizontally.


In the settings, you can enable a grid to ensure the photo is straight and the subject fits well within the frame. Press the shutter button gently and try to keep the camera as steady as possible. You can also use various tools to aid stability, such as supports. A tripod is an excellent tool that ensures a stable and precise shot.

Take your shot!

You can take as many photos as you want! The result is rarely perfect on the first try, so it's a good idea to take several shots. Especially when photographing people, taking multiple pictures is helpful to capture the right expression and pose.